African American Heritage Driving Tour


The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Black Heritage Committee would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Historic Charlotte for co-funding, producing and distributing the African American Heritage Tour Brochure. We would also like to express our appreciation to the Arts and Science Council for their generous support by also co-funding the project. The Black Heritage Committee has long recognized the need for a brochure highlighting historic African American sites and we are particularly grateful to Leora McAuliffe for leading this project while serving as a member of the Black Heritage Committee.

We would also like to thank Tom Hanchett, Dr. Dan Morrill, the Historic Landmarks Commission and the staff of the Carolina Room at Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County for their excellent research and documentation of the history of significant African American structures. We trust the information contained in this brochure will be of great educational and historical significance to the Charlotte community. The brochure will allow students, lifelong learners and those interested in black history to learn about the vital role African Americans and their institutions have played in Charlotte’s rich history. We were honored to work with Historic Charlotte on this important project. The Black Heritage Committee looks forward to working with this esteemed organization as partners in future efforts.

Sincerely, Everett E. Blackmon Chairman, Charlotte Mecklenburg Black Heritage Committee