
“A Conversation With” – CMBHC Open House @ Beatties Ford Road Regional Library The Charlotte Mecklenburg Black Heritage Council will host an open house, Wednesday, February 21, 6:30-7:30 p.m., at the Beatties Ford Road Regional Library, 2412 Beatties Ford Road in Charlotte. Longtime TV journalist Ken Koontz, will serve as guest speaker, and share his life’s journey that led into a career at Charlotte’s WBTV. The Charlotte Mecklenburg Black Heritage Council (CMBHC) supports; preserves and shares this area’s African American history.  A primary focus is communities lost to urban renewal.  The open house will inform guests about CMBHC’s work and welcome those who wish to join.  It is free and open to the public.  Light hors d’oeuvres will be served. For further information, contact Lolita Rowe, Chairperson, at 704-687-1107.  To attend, please RSVP by February 19th.